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THESE SITES ARE PROVIDED FOR THE USE AND ENJOYMENT OF MAURICE RIVER TOWNSHIP STUDENTS AT SCHOOL AND AT HOME. ‘BUENA SUERTE! Since the content of Web sites changes, teachers and parents must be vigilant as to the content of material on the Internet. If you find material that is not suitable for students on any of these sites please contact or Maurice River Township School
A - Animals — Los Animales
B - Body — El Cuerpo
C - Colors — Los Colores
D - Days, Months & Calendar
E - Eating — A Comer
F - Family — La Familia
G - Grammar & Miscellaneous
H - House — La Casa
I - Introductions — Saludos
J - Clothing — La Ropa
K - Daily Activities & Sports
L -Latin World
M - Music, Art & Literature
N - Numbers — Los Nϊmeros
O - Occupations - Ocupaciones
P - Places — Lugares
Q - Time — ΏQuι Hora Es?
R - References
S - School — La Escuela
T - Transportation
V - Verbs — Los Verbos
W - Weather — El Tiempo
A - Animals — Los Animales
A-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag - Animals
A-2 — Click & Drag — Animals
A-3 — Squares with Photographs — Animals of Color
A-4 — Basic & More Animals — Quizzes
A-5 — Illustrated Squares — Pets — Mascotas
A-6 — Squares — Animals
A-7 — Squares — More Animals
A-8 — Click & Drag — Animals
A-9 — Puzzle — Animals
A-10 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Animals
A-11 — Multiple Choice — Animals
A-12 — Click & Drag — More Animals
A-13 — Match-up — Animals
A-14 — Click & Drag — Conversation about Animals
A-15 — Listen to the Letters — El Alfabeto y los Animales
A-16 — Que llueva, el cσndor estα en la cueva. — Song Lyrics

B - Body — El Cuerpo
B-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag
B-2 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- Body Parts
B-3 — Squares — Parts of the Body
B-4 — Illustrated Click & Drag - The Head -- La Cabeza
B-5 — Matching Columns - The Face
B-6 — Click & Drag with Audio --- My Face --- Mi Cara
B-7 — Puzzle — Human Body
B-9 — Illustrated Match-up — Body Parts
B-10 — Illustrated Match-up — More Body Parts
B-11 — Puzzle — More of the Human Body
B-12 — Click & Drag — Human Body --- Glencoe Exercise
B-13— Click & Drag -- Body Parts
B-14 — Speed Spell — Human Body
B-15 — Click & Drag — Emotions
B-16 — Matching Columns — Adjectives Describing a Person
B-17 — Illustrated Match-up — Physical Appearance
B-18 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Physical Appearance 1
B-19 — Squares with Photographs — Descriptions
B-20 — Click & Drag — Parts of the Body
B-21 — Multiple-Choice Sentences— Human Body
B-22— Illustrated Multiple Choice — Physical Appearance 2
B-23 — Illustrated Squares — Human Body
B-24 — Illustrated Squares — Body Parts
B-25 — Fill in the Blanks — el, los / la, las & Parts of the Body
B-26 — Illustrated Match-up — How Are You?
B-27 — Fill in the Blanks — Me Duele or Me Duelen
B-28 — Put in Order — Top of the Head to Bottom of the Feet
B-29 — Hangman — Body Parts
B-30 — Click & View — The Face

C - Colors — Los Colores
C-1 — Click & Drag — Colored Shapes
C-2 — Click & Drag — Colored Markers
C-3 — Illustrated Squares — Colors
C-4 — Illustrated Squares — Colored Shapes
C-5 — Illustrated Squares — More Colors
C-6 — Puzzle — Colors
C-7 — Click & Drag — Colors
C-8 — Click & Drag — More Colors
C-9 — Matching Columns — More Colors
C-10 — Click & Drag -- Colors
C-11 — Multiple Choice — Colors
C-12 — Matching Columns — Shapes
C-13 — Click & Drag — Food of Different Colors
C-14 — Click & Drag — Things of Color
C-15 — Multiple Choice — Find the Color
C-16 — Illustrated Match-up — Colors
C-17 — Multiple Choice — Colors
C-18 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Colors
C-19 — Speed Spell — Colors
C-20 — What Color is the Sun?
C-21 — Squares — Combine to Make Sentences
C-22 — Click on the Shapes
C-23 — Jumbled Words — Los Colores
C-24 — Puzzle — Mexican Flag — Bandera de Mιxico
C-24 — Balloons, Up, Up and Away — ‘Arriba, arriba!
C-25 — Flags, Rainbow & the Artist Mirσ — Cervantes Interactive Exercises

D - Days, Months & Calendar
D-1 — Squares — Los Meses — The Months
D-2 — Puzzle - Months
D-3 — Click & Drag -- Months of the Year
D-4 — Matching Columns — The Months — Los Meses
D-5 — Squares — Days of the Week & Numbers
D-6— Puzzle — Days of the Week
D-7 — Click and Drag — Days of the Week
D-8 — Matching Columns -- Days of the Week
D-10 — Put in Order — Months
D-11 — Days of the Week
D-12 — Speed Spell — Days of the Week
D-13 — Puzzle - Holidays
D-14 — $ Millonario — Seasons & Holidays
D-15 — Matching Columns — Holidays
D-16 — Multiple Choice — Days, Months & Seasons
D-17 — Speed Spell — Months
D-18 — Multiple Choice — Dνas de la Semana — Days of the Week
D-19 — Puzzle - Cuando? - When?
D-20 — Another Puzzle - Cuando? - When?
D-21 — Click & Drag — When?

E - Eating — A Comer
E-1 — Click & Drag — Fruit
E-2 — Click & Drag — More Fruit
E-3 — Illustrated Squares — Fruit — Las Frutas
E-4 — Squares — Fruit — Las Frutas
E-5 — Click & Drag — Fruit
E-6 — Squares — Vegetables — Los Vegetales
E-8 — Foods, More Foods & Quizzes
E-9 — Matching Columns — Fruits & Vegetables
E-10 — Click & Drag — Vegetables
E-12 — Click & Drag — More Vegetables
E-13 — Illustrated Squares — Breakfast — Desayuno
E-14 — Squares — Meats
E-15 — Memory — Food — Glencoe Exercise
E-16 — Click & Drag — Setting the Table — Glencoe Exercise
E-18 — Matching Columns Table Place Settings
E-19 — Illustrated Match-up — What do you Eat?
E-20 — Match-up — Food at the Restaurant
E-21 — Illustrated Match-up — Breakfast Foods — Comidas de Desayuno
E-22 — Puzzle — Food & Eating
E-23 — Squares — At the Restaurant
E-24 — Matching Columns — Foods
E-26 — Matching Columns — More Foods
E-27 — Illustrated Multiple Choice -- Foods
E-28 — Illustrated Match-up -- Food Favorites
E-29 — Illustrated Multiple Choice -- More Foods
E-30 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Food
E-31 — Click & Drag — Food & Drink
E-32 — Las Comidas — Foods —Self Checking Exercise
E-33 — Food Shopping in the Market
E-34 — Illustrated Multiple Choice & True/False -- Foods
E-35 — Illustrated Match-up — Food & Drinks
E-36 — Food — Cervantes Interactive Exercises
E-37 — Click & Drag — Conversation at a Restaurant
E-38 — Online Fruit & Vegetable Market of Venezuela

F - Family — La Familia
F-1 — Click & Drag — A Family Photograph
F-2 — Click & Drag — Another Family Photograph
F-3 — ΏTienes Hermanos? — Do You Have Brothers & Sisters?
F-4 — Squares — Family
F-5 — Puzzle — Members of the Family
F-6 — Click & Drag — Family
F-7 — Squares — People in the Family
F-8 — Click & Drag — Who's Who in the Family? — Glencoe Exercise
F-9 — Matching Columns — Family
F-10 — Speed Spell — Family
F-13 — Match-up — Family Members
F-14 — Multiple Choice Quiz — Family
F-15 — Illustrated Squares — Family
F-16 — Complete the Sentence — Family
F-17 — Memory - 2 players — Family
F-18 — $ Millonario — Family
F-19 — Match-up --- More Family Members
F-20 — True/False & Multiple Choice -- The Family
F-21 — Squares — What's the Family Connection?
F-22 — La familia royal de Espaρa — Relationships — BBC
F-23 — Crossword Puzzle — La familia
F-24 — Garcνa Family Tree — Arbol de la Familia — Cervantes Interactive Exercise

G - Grammar & Miscellaneous
G-1 — Learn Spanish — Online Tutorial
G-2 — Adjectives — Click & Drag
G-3 — Squares — Adjectives & Nationalities
G-3 — Adjectives — Click & Drag — Opposites
G-4 — Adjectives — Click & Drag — More Opposites
G-5 — Adjectives — Matching Columns — Opposites
G-5 — Squares — Adjectives
F-6 — Adjectives — Squares — Opposites
G-7 — Click & Drag — Adjectives — Describe the Students — Glencoe Exercise
G-7 — Adjectives — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Adjective Agreement Sentences
G-8 — Adjectives — Multiple Choice — Sentences
G-9 — Adjectives — Multiple Choice — More Sentences
G-10 — Adjectives — Multiple Choice — Opposites
G-11 — Adjectives — Match-up
G-12 — Adjectives — Noun Agreement
G-13 — Adjectives — $ Millonario — Describing with Ser
G-14 — Interrogatives — Click & Drag
G-15 — Interrogatives — Match-up
G-16 — Interrogatives — Squares
G-17 — Interrogatives — Puzzle
G-18 — Interrogatives — Click & Drag — Questions & Responses
G-19 — Interrogatives — Match-up Sentences
G-20 — Nouns & Articles — el, la, los, las — the, the, the, the
G-21 — Nouns & Articles — Fill in the Blanks — Articles — un & una
G-22 — Nouns & Articles — Choose the correct article
G-23 — Nouns — Singular & Plural — Fill in the Blanks
G-24 — Noun & Adjectives — Singular & Plural Spelling
G-25 — Pronouns — Matching Columns — Subject Pronouns
G-26 — Pronouns — Multiple Choice
G-27 — Vocabulary — Quiz Hub — Timed Vocabulary Matching Game
G-28 — Vocabulary — Two Player Jeopardy — 1
G-29 — Vocabulary — Two Player Jeopardy — 2
G-30 — Vocabulary — Two Player Jeopardy — 3
G-31 — Multiple Choice — Formal or Familiar?
G-32 — Puzzle — Expressions
G-33 — Match-up — Adverbs
G-34 — Multiple Choice — Subject Pronouns
G-34 — Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
G-35 — Listening — Escuchando — How is it Written?
G-36 — Millionaire — Adjectives & Ser
G-37 — Puzzle - Materials
G-38 — Adjective Agreement --- More Multiple Choice

H - House — La Casa
H-1 — Click on the Parts of the House
H-2 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- The Kitchen - La Cocina
H-3 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- La Casa
H-4 — Illustrated Squares — La Cocina — The Kitchen
H-5 — Illustrated Match-up — Los muebles — Furniture
H-6 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Furniture
H-7 — Illustrated Squares — Household Objects
H-8 — Illustrated Click & Drag — More Furniture
H-9 — Click & Drag — Rooms in the House
H-10 — Puzzle - La Casa
H-11 — Illustrated Match-up - What is in the House?
H-12 — Puzzle - Furniture - Los Muebles
H-13 — Click & Drag -- Things in the House
H-14 — Squares — Furniture
H-15 — Matching Columns — Things around the House
H-16 — Puzzle - Household Chores - Tareas Domesticas
H-17 — True/False & Multiple Choice -- The House
H-18 — Match-up — The House
H-19 — Illustrated Match-up — Household Jobs
H-20 — Click & Drag — BBC Real Estate Listings
H-21 — Illustrated Match-up — More Household Jobs
H-22 — Illustrated Match-up — Bedroom & Furniture
H-23 — Illustrated True/False — Apartment Design
H-24 — Reading Exercise — Mi casa — My House
H-25 — Virtual Home Design

I - Introductions — Saludos
I-1 — Squares — Greetings & Conversations
I-2 — Matching Columns — Greetings 2
I-3 — Click & Drag -- Greetings
I-4 — Multiple Choice — Greetings, etc.
I-5 — Matching Columns — Greetings
I-6 — Multiple Choice Sentences — Greetings
I-7 — Matching Columns — Greetings
I-8 — Speed Spell — Greetings & Conversations
I-9 — Click & Drag — Questions & Responses
I-10 — Matching Columns — Greetings, Etc.
I-11 — Multiple Choice — Greetings
I-12 — Matching Columns — Greetings & Conversations
I-13 — Multiple Choice — Fill in the Blanks in Conversation
I-14 — Multiple Choice — Greetings & Conversations
I-15 — Magnetic Sentences Greetings
I-16 — Put in Order — Student & Teacher's Conversation
I-17 — Put in Order — Ramσn & Alicia's Conversation
I-18 — Talk Spanish — BBC Languages — ‘hola!
I-19 — Talk Spanish — Introductions — Video Clips

J - Clothing — La Ropa
J-1 — Click & Drag - Clothing -- La Ropa
J-2 — Click & Drag -- More Clothing -- Mas Ropa
J-3 — Squares — Clothing
J-4 — Illustrated Match-up -- Clothing
J-5 — Squares -- Outdoor Clothing
J-6 — Illustrated Match-up --- More Clothing
J-7 — Matching Columns — Clothing — La Ropa
J-8 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Clothing
J-9 — Multiple Choice — Articles of Clothing
J-10 — Squares — Clothing & Color
J-11 — Illustrated Multiple Choice -- Clothing
J-12 — Illustrated Match-up -- Clothing Descriptions
J-13 — Illustrated Memory — Clothing — Glencoe Exercise
J-14 — Click & Drag --- Clothing
J-15 — Click & Drag — Questions when Shopping for Clothes
J-16 — Matching Columns — Clothing
J-17 — Matching Columns — More Clothes
J-18 — Click & Drag — What are you Wearing?
J-19 — Multiple Choice - Clothing & the Weather
J-20 — Matching Columns — Still More Clothes
J-21 — Multiple Choice — Clothing & the Weather
J-22 — Multiple Choice --- Clothing Descriptions
J-23 — Clothing Vocabulary Exercises
J-24 — Click & Drag — More Adjectives Describing Clothing

K - Daily Activities & Sports
K-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag --- Pastimes
K-2 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Sports
K-3 — Illustrated Click & Drag --- Sports
K-4 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Ir — to Go
K-5 — Puzzle — Activities
K-6 — Click & Drag — Activities
K-7 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Activities
K-8 — Matching Columns
K-9 — Click & Drag -- Sports -- Deportes
K-10 — Squares --- Sports -- Deportes
K-11 — Puzzle — Arena, sol y mar — Sand, Sun & Sea
K-12 — Illustrated Match-up — Sports
K-13 — Illustrated Click & Drag — ΏQuι le gusta hacer? — What do you like to do?
K-14 — Matching Columns — What do you Like to Do? — ΏQuι te Gusta Hacer?
K-15 — Puzzle — Sports — Deportes
K-16— Illustrated Match-up — Sports
K-17— Matching Columns — What do you Like to Do?
K-18 — Illustrated Click & Drag — Activities
K-19 — Illustrated Click & Drag — More Activities
K-20 — Click & Drag — Sports — Deportes
K-21 — Matching Columns — What do you Like to Do?
K-22 — Match-up — Pastimes
K-23 — Illustrated Match-up — Sports
K-24 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Vamos a la Ciudad
K-25 — Click & Drag — Activities
K-26 — Click & Drag - Personal Care
K-27 — Illustrated Match-up — Sports
K-28 — Memory — Sport Actions — Glencoe Exercise
K-28 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Pastimes
K-29 — Illustrated Match-up — Daily Routine
K-29 — Memory — Daily Routines — Glencoe Exercise
Illustrated Match-up --- Sports

L -Latin World
L-1 — Alegria - The Mexican Folklorico Home Page
L-1 — Squares — Spanish Speaking Countries & Capitals
L-2 — The Bullfight — Online Scavenger Hunt
L-2 — South America Quiz
L-3 — Islamic Spain
L-3 — Central America Quiz
L-4 — Latinos in the United States — Interactive Map
L-4 — Multiple Choice — Spanish Capitals
L-5 — Mysterious Mayas
L-5 — Jumbled Words — Latin American Countries
L-6 — San Fermin Festival
L-6 — Spanish Roots in the United States
L-7 — Spanish Missions of Texas Activity
L-7 — Match-up — Los Paises Hispanos — Spanish Countries
L-8 — Trip to Madrid
L-8 — New Spain Mission Vocabulary Game
L-9 — Virtual Community Tour — Supermarket, Museum, etc.
L-9 — 2000 Census — Hispanic Interactive Quiz
L-10 — Flags of Spanish-Speaking Countries
L-10 — The World of Bullfighting
L-11 — Cinco de Mayo — Online Scavenger Hunt
L-11 — Corridos -- Ballads
L-12 — Dνa de los Muertos — Day of the Dead — Online Scavenger Hunt
L-12 — Los viajes de Colσn — Voyages of Columbus
L-13 — Destination: Peru
L-14 — Madrid Webcam
L-15 — Countries & Continents — Multiple Choice
L-16 — California Mission --- A Virtual Tour
L-17 — International Food Quiz --- Don't Gross Out the World
L-18 — La Loterνa --- An Exploration of Mexico
L-19 — Spanish's Gift to English
L-20 — Mexican Immigration — Library of Congress Website
L-21 — Puerto Rican & Cuban Immigration — Library of Congress Website
Embassies of Washington, DC
Gauchos of Argentina

M - Music, Art & Literature
M-1 — Song Excerpts & Vocabulary
M-2 — La Cucaracha Animated Video
M-3 — Mexican Art Game — Frida Kahlo — Self-Portrait with Monkeys
M-4 — Las Meninas — The Maids of Honor — Diego Velαzquez
M-5 — Pablo Picasso — Online Scavenger Hunt
M-6 — Virtual Photographic Gallery of Mexican Manuel Carrillo
M-7 — Ojalα que Llueva Cafι — If it Would Rain Coffee — A Dominican Adventure
M-8 — How to Make a Piρata
M-9 — Sesame Street Vocabulary Game
M-10 — Low Riders - An American Cultural Tradition
M-11 — The Barking Mouse — A Read Along Folktale from Cuba
M-12 — Dragon Tales — Search for Mami Story

N - Numbers — Los Nϊmeros
N-1 — Click & Drag -- Numbers 1-10
N-2 — Squares -- Numbers 1-10
N-3 — Timed Squares — Numbers 1-8
N-4 — Click & Drag -- Numbers 1-10
N-5 — Puzzle — 1-10
N-6 — Click & Drag — 11-20
N-7 — Squares -- Numbers 1-30
N-8 — Puzzle — 11-20
N-9 — Put in Order — Numbers 1-20
N-10 — Multiple Choice — Numbers 1-10
N-11 — Click & Drag — Numbers 30, 40, . . . . 90, 100
N-12 — Put in Order — Los Nϊmeros 10, 20, . . . 90, 100
N-13 — Click & Drag — 20-30
N-14 — Matching Columns — Numbers 1-20
N-15 — Squares — Nϊmeros 1-100
N-16 — Puzzle — Nϊmeros 1-1000
N-17 — Matching Columns — Numbers 1-30
N-18 — Speed Spell — Numbers 1-10
N-19 — Listen & Click on the Lottery Number --- BBC
N-20 — Multiple Choice — Math Functions
N-21 — Multiple Choice — Numbers
N-22 — Multiple Choice — Addition & Subraction
N-23 — Multiple Choice — Numbers 11-30
N-24 — Multiple Choice — More Math
N-25 — Squares - Numbers 100, 200, . . .900, 1000
N-26 — Matching Columns — Numbers — 10-1000
N-27 — Click & Drag — Numbers through 5000
N-28 —$ Millonario — Numbers
N-29 — Speed Spell — 11-20
N-30 — Put in Order — Ordinal Numbers — First to Tenth
N-31 — Matching Columns — Ordinal Numbers — First to Tenth
N-32 — Connect the Dots with Audio --- Flag of Costa Rica
N-33 — Listen to Rocket Countdown --- Connect the Dots

O - Occupations - Ocupaciones
O-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag --- People
O-2 — Puzzle — People Around the City
O-3 — Squares — Profesiones
O-4 — Click & Drag — Occupations
O-5 — Match-up Photos -- Occupations
O-6 — Puzzle - Occupations
O-7 — Squares — Nacionalidades
O-8 — Click & Drag — More Occupations
O-9 — Match-up Photos- More Occupations
O-10 — Puzzle - Nacionalidades
O-11 — Click & Drag — What is Your Father's Occupation?
O-12 — $ Milionario - Professions
O-13 — Click & Drag — More Occupations
O-14 — Match-up Photos - More Occupations
O-15 — Memory - professions - Glencoe
O-16— Click & Drag — Futbolista — Soccer Player David Beckham
O-17 — Squares — ΏQuiιn Soy Yo? — Who am I?
O-18 — Multiple Choice — Professions & Occupations
O-19— Click & Drag — What is Your Mother's Occupation?
O-20 — Matching Columns — Nationalities & Cities
O-21 — Match-up -- Musical Professions
O-22 — Multiple Choice — People
O-23 — Match-up — A Resume for Employment
O-24 — Matching Columns — Personal Information
O-25 — Multiple Choice — Personal Information
O-26 — Match-up — Where do you Work?
O-27 — Multiple Choice — Where Do I Work?
O-28 — Multiple Choice — People & Articles
O-29 — Multiple Choice - Professions
O-30 — Listen to Introductions for Errors --- BBC Exercise
O-31 — Click & Drag — Occupations

P - Places — Lugares
P-1 — Illustrated Squares — Places in the Community
P-3 — Squares — Places — Lugares
P-5 — Squares — In the City — En la Ciudad
P-7 — Squares — In the Country — En el Campo
P-8 — Multiple Choice — Places
P-9 — Squares — Downtown — En el Centro
P-10 — Illustrated Match-up — Places in My Town
P-11 — Squares — In the Park — En el Parque
P-12 — Illustrated Match-up — More Places in My Town
P-13 — Squares — Buildings — Edificios
P-14 — Photographs — Match-up — What is in Your Town?
P-15 — Squares — Stores — Tiendas
P-16 — Matching Columns - Places around town
P-17 — More Photographs — Match-up — What is in Your Town?
P-18 — Click & Drag — What is in Town?
P-19 — Multiple Choice — Madrid Sign Photographs
P-20 — Matching Columns — En la Ciudad
P-21 — Multiple Choice — Places
P-22 — Illustrated Match-up — Where Would You Like to Live?
P-23 — Click & Drag — Your Region
P-24 — Matching Columns — Find the Right Store
P-25 — Multiple Choice — The City
P-26 — Illustrated Match-up — Find the Right Store
P-27 — Memory — Theater & Museum Visits — Glencoe Exercise
P-28 — Click & Drag — Products & Where they are Sold
P-29 — Click & Drag — The Beach — La Playa
P-30 — Click & Drag --- Sky & Ground
P-31 — Click & Drag --- In the City
P-32 — Squares --- I am going to _________.
P-33 — Click & Drag --- The Countryside

Q - Time — ΏQuι Hora Es?
Q-1 — Squares — ΏQuι Hora Es?
Q-2 — Multiple Choice — ΏQuι Hora Es? — What Time is It?
Q-3 — Click & Drag -- Telling Time
Q-4 — Click & Drag — What Time is it? — Glencoe Exercise
Q-5 — Squares — Telling Time
Q-6 — Illustrated Multiple Choice -- Telling Time
Q-7 — $ Millonario — Time
Q-8 — Match-up --- Telling Time
Q-9 — Matching Columns — Telling Time
Q-10 — Click & Drag — Telling Military/International Time
Q-11 — Illustrated Memory — Telling Time — Glencoe Exercise
Q-12 — Multiple Choice --- Telling Time
Q-13 — Multiple Choice — References to Time
Q-14 — Illustrated Match-Up — What is the Time?
Q-15 — ΏQuι Hora Es? — Telling Time Exercises
Q-16 — BBC — Listen for Hours of Operation

R - References
R-1 — Currency Converter
R-2 — Spanish Picture Dictionary
R-3 — Spanish Picture Dictionary - Little Explorer
R-4 — Spanish / English Dictionary
R-5 — Automatic Translator
R-6 — Translate & Save — Spanish Translation Service

S - School — La Escuela
S-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag --- Classroom Objects
S-2 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- A Classroom
S-3 — Illustrated Squares — School Objects
S-4 — Matching Columns — School Things
S-5 — Squares — Classroom Objects
S-6 — Puzzle -- Things in the Classroom
S-7 — Multiple Choice -- School Items
S-8 — Illustrated Squares - School Things
S-9 — Puzzle — School Subjects
S-10 — Illustrated Squares - Classes
S-11 — Puzzle --- More things in the Classroom
S-12 — Click & Drag -- Things in the Classroom
S-13 — Illustrated Multiple Choice -- School Things
S-14 — Squares — School Subjects
S-15 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — School Classes
S-16 — $ Millonario — Actividades de la Clase
S-17 — Multiple Choice — Classroom Objects
S-18 — Multiple Choice — Classroom Objects
S-19 — Speed Spell — En el Salσn de la Clase — In the Classroom
S-20 — Match-up — Classroom Instructions
S-21 — Click & Drag - Classroom Instructions
S-22 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Classes 2
S-23 — Click & Drag - Las Clases
S-24 — Making School Items Plural
S-25 — Illustrated Match-Up — School Facilities
S-26 — Matching Columns — Language for the Classroom
S-27 — Fill in the Blanks — un / una & School Things
S-28 — Illustrated True/False — Class Schedule — Horario
S-29 — Put in Order — Classes & Ordinal Numbers
S-30 — Multiple Choice — Things to do in School

T - Transportation
T-1 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- Modes of Transportation
T-2 — Squares — Transportation
T-3 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- Air Travel
T-4 — Photograph Match-up — Transportation
T-5 — Photograph Match-up — More Transportation
T-6 — Click & Drag — North, South, East & West
T-7 — Squares - Prepositions of Location
T-8 — Match-up — Directions
T-9 — $ Millonario — Directions
T-10 — Multiple Choice — Transportation
T-11 — Click & Drag — Conversation about a Trip
T-12 — Puzzle — Directions
T-13 — Illustrated Match-up — Signs
T-14 — Match-up — When is there a Train for . . .?
T-15 — Illustrated Match-up — More Signs
T-16 — Illustrated Match — Directions
T-17 — Squares — Opposite Directions
T-18 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — Directions around Town
Illustrated Match

V - Verbs — Los Verbos
V-1 — -ar endings — Squares
V-2 — -ar endings — Multiple Choice — Subject Pronouns
V-3 — -ar endings — Multiple Choice
V-4 — -ar endings — Caminar & Cantar
V-5 — -er endings — Conjugations
V-6 — Estar & Pronouns — How are You? — Click & Drag
V-7 — Estar & Pronouns — Match-up
V-8 — Estar & Location — Click & Drag
V-9 — Estar & Ser Sentences — Click & Drag Glencoe Exercise
V-10 — Ser & Pronouns — Match-up
V-11 — Ser & Pronouns — Multiple Choice
V-12 — Ir & Pronouns — Match-up
V-13 — Ir & Pronouns — Matching Columns
V-14 — Ir — Puzzle
V-15 — Ir & Pronouns — Multiple Choice
V-16 — Ir & al, a los, a la, a la — Fill in the Blanks
V-17 — Poder & Pronouns — Click & Drag
V-18 — Preferir & Pronouns — Click & Drag
V-19 — Querer & Pronouns — Match-up
V-20 — Tener & Pronouns — Click & Drag
V-21 — Tener & Estar — How Are You? — Click & Drag
V-22 — Tener Expressions — Squares
V-23 — Verbs — Multiple Choice Sentences
V-24 — Verbs — More Multiple Choice Sentences
V-25 — Expressing Likes & Dislikes — Click & Drag
V-26 — I Can't Go Because . . . — Click & Drag
V-27 — Verb Charts — Fill in the Blanks
V-28 — Verbs & Pronouns — Listen & Choose the Verb — BBC Audio Exercise
V-29 — Tener & Pronouns - Matching Columns
V-30 — Squares — Verbs
V-31 — Millionaire - Verbs

W - Weather — El Tiempo
W-1 — Squares — Weather & Seasons
W-2 —Matching Columns — Weather — El Tiempo
W-3 —Illustrated Match-up — The Weather
W-4 — Squares -- More Weather Terms
W-5 — Puzzle — More Weather Terms
W-6 — Illustrated Multiple Choice — ΏQuι tiempo hace? — What's the Weather?
W-7 — Weather & the Seasons — Quiz
W-8 —$ Millonario — Weather
W-9 —Matching Columns — Seasons & Weather
W-10 — Multiple Choice - Weather
W-11 — Illustrated Click & Drag --- More Weather & Seasons
W-12 — Multiple Choice — Weather Conditions
W-13 — Illustrated Match-up — Weather
W-14 — Memory for 2 Players — Weather
W-15 — Speed Spell — Weather
W-16 — Local Weather — El Tiempo Local — Port Elizabeth
W-17 — Illustrated Click & Drag -- Weather & Seasons
W-18 — Click & Drag — Weather — Fill in the Sentence
Illustrated Match

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Last updated :- 13:53 11-12-2005 EST

myHq was created by eMason, also the creator of bookHq